So where am I going? Taiwan and Korea! Taiwan? Who goes to Taiwan? (Good question.) Korea? South Korea, right? (Yes. Well, mostly.) People are always asking how I choose my destinations. [Read more…]
Walk the Walk with Me in San Francisco!
In my last post I wrote about the interview that Jeff of did with me. Well, Jeff is at it again! On Walkli’s blog, the same place where you can find my interview, Jeff highlights 6 walkable cities and Walkli users who created content for them. Cities, like San Francisco. [Read more…]
Interview with the Blogger
Hey, I made some money off of all this! But it wasn’t my blog that brought the money in. At least not at first anyway. It was my Instagram account. Jeff, founder and CEO of new travel website, somehow stumbled across my Instagram account and liked what he saw. From my Instagram profile, Jeff linked to my blog and the liking continuing. Soon, Jeff was in touch with me, [Read more…]
What To Expect When You’re Expecting To Go To India
India was challenging. India was frustrating. India was exhausting. India could be heartbreaking. India was very, very dirty. And it was all worth it. Travel in India comes with a learning curve. The longer I was there, the more I learned how to be a traveler in India. And if you go, you’ll be ahead of the game after reading about [Read more…]
How I Planned My 2017 Trip To India!
Yes, I’m going to India! I’m really excited about it. There’s so much to see in India, I spent a lot of time figuring out where in India I was going to go. I’m going to share my [Read more…]